荒野行動日記 珍しくキル集作れそうなくらいには初動は良かった ソロクイン

荒野行動日記 珍しくキル集作れそうなくらいには初動は良かった ソロクイン


Today, I played a round of Knives Out and surprisingly had a good start where I thought I could make a cool kill compilation. I chose to play solo in Quinted mode and encountered an enemy player right after the start. I aimed my AR at them and we both shot at each other. With the enemy’s health already low, I managed to take them down quickly. Later, while searching through a one-story building, I was suddenly shot from behind. In a panic, I quickly turned and found my target, taking them down. I then pushed through to the enemy gathering point and found another enemy hiding in a garage. Even though I struggled with long-distance attacks, I managed to take them down with a quick headshot. Towards the end, I was ambushed by a team who was known for their sniping skills. But with the use of grenades and a machine gun, I was able to take them all down and secure the victory.
