【荒野行動】は中国のゲーム開発会社NetEase Gamesが開発した無料のバトルロイヤル型シューティングゲームです。プレイヤーは最大100人の中から1人を生き残ることを目的に、各種武器やアイテムを駆使して戦いを繰り広げます。また、日本語版が配信されており、日本でも人気を集めています。
動画を見ることで荒野行動の魅力やプレイヤーのスキルを楽しむことができます。ぜひ視聴してみてください。ご視聴ありがとうございます! ( To my English-speaking friends: “Knivesout” is a free battle royale shooting game developed by a Chinese game company, NetEase Games. In the game, players will have to fight against each other to survive and be the last one standing. The Japanese version is also available and has gained popularity in Japan as well. “The Light of the Wilderness” is a video featuring one of the popular Japanese players in the game, SS_源頼朝, showcasing his skills, strategies, and action scenes. The video’s title includes keywords such as “knivesout,” “wilderness,” “kill collection,” and “SS_源頼朝,” and it’s a great way to learn more about the game and enjoy the amazing skills of players. Thank you for watching!)