最新アプデで追加されたS17バトルパスの全貌公開!ガチャ引いたら新車「幻象」当たっちゃった(ガチ)ww【荒野行動】【荒野の光】#676 Knives Out

最新アプデで追加されたS17バトルパスの全貌公開!ガチャ引いたら新車「幻象」当たっちゃった(ガチ)ww【荒野行動】【荒野の光】#676 Knives Out

is an online multiplayer battle royale game developed and published by NetEase Games. It is a mobile game available for both iOS and Android devices.

The new update for the game, referred to as the “S17 Battle Pass”, was recently released and has now been fully revealed. The Battle Pass is a type of in-game feature that allows players to progress through tiers by completing various tasks and challenges. As players progress, they can unlock exclusive rewards.

One of the main highlights of this update is the addition of a new vehicle, the “幻象” (Translation: Illusion). This vehicle is only available through the Battle Pass and cannot be obtained through regular gameplay or purchasing with in-game currency.

Many players were lucky enough to obtain the new vehicle through the in-game gacha system, which is a type of lottery where players can spend in-game currency or real money for a chance to obtain exclusive items. Some players have been excitedly sharing their success on social media, using the #676 Knives Out or #荒野の光 (Translation: Lights of the Wilderness) hashtags.

With the addition of this new vehicle, players can expect a different gameplay experience as they navigate through the battlefield using the “幻象”. Other updates included in the S17 Battle Pass include new skins, costumes, and weapon skins.

If you haven’t tried out Knives Out yet, now is the perfect time to join in on the action and experience the new updates for yourself!
